Connecting Your cPanel Email to Microsoft Outlook: A Step-by-Step Guide Print

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If you're using cPanel for your email services and prefer to access your emails through Microsoft Outlook, this detailed guide will walk you through the setup process. For this tutorial, we'll be using the mail server name ""


Before starting the configuration process, ensure you have the following information ready:

  1. Your cPanel email address (e.g.,
  2. The password for your cPanel email account.
  3. The mail server name, which is ""

Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook

Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer. If you don't have Outlook installed, you can download and install it from the official Microsoft website.

Step 2: Go to Account Settings

Navigate to the "File" tab in the top-left corner of the Outlook window. Click on "Add Account."


Step 3: Choose Email Account

Select the option "Email Account" and click "Next."


Step 4: Manually Configure Server Settings

Choose the option to "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next."


Step 5: Select Internet Email

Choose "Internet Email" and click "Next."


Step 6: Enter User, Server, and Logon Information

Now, enter the required information:

  • Your Name: Your display name.
  • Email Address: Your full cPanel email address.
  • Account Type: Select "POP3" or "IMAP" based on your preference (IMAP is recommended for synchronization across devices).
  • Incoming Mail Server: Enter ""
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): Enter ""
  • User Name: Your full cPanel email address.
  • Password: The password for your cPanel email account.

Click on "More Settings" after entering the information.


Step 7: Configure Outgoing Server and Advanced Settings

In the "More Settings" window, go to the "Outgoing Server" tab. Check the box that says "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication." Then, navigate to the "Advanced" tab.

For the incoming server (IMAP):

  • Incoming Server (IMAP): 993
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS

For the outgoing server (SMTP):

  • Outgoing Server (SMTP): 587
  • Use the following type of encrypted connection: STARTTLS

Click "OK" to close the "More Settings" window.


Step 8: Test Account Settings

Click "Next" in the Email Accounts window. Outlook will now test your account settings. If everything is configured correctly, you should see a successful message. Click "Finish" to complete the setup.



Congratulations! You've successfully connected your cPanel email to Microsoft Outlook. You can now access and manage your cPanel emails seamlessly through the familiar Outlook interface. If you encounter any issues during the setup, double-check your settings or consult your email hosting provider for assistance.

Enjoy the convenience of managing your cPanel email through Microsoft Outlook!

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